OTP SMS PHP Class Reference Bulk SMS API Documentation

OTP SMS PHP Class Reference

Using this OTP SMS PHP class reference, you can easily generate and verify OTP SMS tokens using OTP SMS API.


PHP 5.3 and above


Download directly or from mirror sites.

Extract the zip folder and upload smsgatewaycenter.otpsms.api.class.php.

Use include('smsgatewaycenter.otpsms.api.class.php') OR require('smsgatewaycenter.otpsms.api.class.php') in your required script.

Call the API point as shown in example folder for respective API.

Class Reference:


__construct($userid, $password, $apiKey='')

userId Your Registered Username The registered username parameter to be passed. You can use this if apiKey is not being used.
password Your password The password needs to be urlencoded if there are any special characters used in the password field. You can use this if apiKey is not being used.
apiKey Your unique apiKey apiKey needs to be sent as HTTP header when you are not using userId and password credentials. You can avail this from your user control panel and use instead of userId and password HTTP Request parameter. Please do not disclose this to anyone.

Public Functions

  • __construct
  • getResponse
  • setApiKey
  • setUserId
  • setPassword
  • setSendMethod
  • setSenderId
  • setMsgType
  • setMsg
  • setCodeExpiry
  • setCodeLength
  • setCodeType
  • setRetryExpiry
  • setRenew
  • setCallback
  • setMobile
  • setOtp
  • setFormat
  • setMedium
  • setEmail
  • sendOTPSMS
  • verifyOTPSMS
  • checkBasic
  • sendRecord

Private Functions

  • baseSGCRequest
  • sendRequestDataPostarray

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Class Code


  | SMSGatewayCenter - Class file to Send SMS to SMSGateway.center API
  | @package  SMSGatewayCenter
  | @version  1.0.0
  | @api     https://www.smsgateway.center/docs/api/
  | @license    <https://www.smsgateway.center> (SMSGatewayCenter)
  | @author   psmpl <psmpl at psmpl dot com>

  | Class for psmpl SMS Gateway Center.

class psmplSMSGatewayCenter {
      | Constant for all API Parameters

    const OTPSMSAPI = "https://www.smsgateway.center/OTPApi/"; // API End Point
    const PARAM_APIKEY = "apiKey";
    const PARAM_USERID = "userId";
    const PARAM_PASSWORD = "password";
    const PARAM_SEND_METHOD = "sendMethod";
    const PARAM_SENDER_ID = "senderId";
    const PARAM_MSG_TYPE = "msgType";
    const PARAM_MSG = "msg";
    const PARAM_MOBILE = "mobile";
    const PARAM_CODEEXPIRY = "codeExpiry";
    const PARAM_CODELENGTH = "codeLength";
    const PARAM_CODETYPE = "codeType";
    const PARAM_RETRYEXPIRY = "retryExpiry";
    const PARAM_RENEW = "renew";
    const PARAM_CALLBACK = "callback"; //Capture response http://www.example.com/getOTPResponse.php
    const PARAM_FORMAT = "format";
    const PARAM_OTP = "otp";
    const PARAM_MEDIUM = "medium";
    const PARAM_EMAILID = "emailId";
    const FORMAT_JSON = "json";
    const FORMAT_PLAIN = "plain";
    const FORMAT_XML = "xml";
    const MSG_TYPE_TEXT = "text";
    const MSG_TYPE_UNICODE = "unicode";
    const METHOD_SEND_GENERATE = "generate";
    const METHOD_SEND_VERIFY = "verify";
    const RETRY_MIN = 180;//Retry minimum time set to 3 minutes (180 seconds)
    const MEDIUM_DEFAULT = "sms";

      | API parameters

    private $apiKey;
    private $userId;
    private $password;
    private $sendMethod;
    private $senderId;
    private $msgType;
    private $msg;
    private $mobile;
    private $codeexpiry;
    private $retryexpiry;
    private $codelength;
    private $codetype;
    private $renew;
    private $callback;
    private $format;
    private $otp;
    private $medium;
    private $emailid;
    private $response;
    private $param = array();

      | Object Instantiation
      | @param      string  $userid    The userid
      | @param      string  $password  The password
      | @param      string  $apiKey    The api key

    public function __construct($userid, $password, $apiKey = '') {
        $this->userId = $userid;
        $this->password = $password;
        if ($apiKey != '') {
            $this->apiKey = $apiKey;

      | Gets the response.
      | @return     array|mixed  The response.

    function getResponse() {
        return $this->response;

      | Sets the api key.
      | @param      null|string  $apiKey  The api key

    function setApiKey($apiKey) {
        $this->apiKey = $apiKey;

      | Sets the user identifier.
      | @param      string  $userId  The user identifier

    function setUserId($userId) {
        $this->userId = $userId;

      | Sets the password.
      | @param      string  $password  The password

    function setPassword($password) {
        $this->password = $password;

      | Sets the send method.
      | @param      string  $sendMethod  The send method

    function setSendMethod($sendMethod) {
        $this->sendMethod = $sendMethod;

      | Sets the sender identifier.
      | @param      string  $senderId  The sender identifier

    function setSenderId($senderId) {
        $this->senderId = $senderId;

      | Sets the message type.
      | @param      string  $msgType  The message type

    function setMsgType($msgType) {
        $this->msgType = $msgType;

      | Sets the message.
      | @param      string  $msg    The message

    function setMsg($msg) {
        $this->msg = $msg;

      | Sets the Code Expiry.
      | @param      <type>  $codeexpiry  The Code Expiry

    function setCodeExpiry($codeexpiry) {
        $this->codeexpiry = $codeexpiry;

      | Sets the Code Length.
      | @param      <type>  $codelength  The Code Length

    function setCodeLength($codelength) {
        $this->codelength = $codelength;

      | Sets the Code Type.
      | @param      <type>  $codetype  The Code Type

    function setCodeType($codetype) {
        $this->codetype = $codetype;

      | Sets the retry Expiry.
      | @param      <type>  $retryexpiry  The Retry Expiry

    function setRetryExpiry($retryexpiry) {
        $this->retryexpiry = $retryexpiry;
      | Sets the Renew param.
      | @param      <type>  $renew  The Renew

    function setRenew($renew) {
        $this->renew = $renew;

      | Sets the Callback.
      | @param      <type>  $callback  The Callback

    function setCallback($callback) {
        $this->callback = $callback;

      | Sets the mobile.
      | @param      <type>  $mobile  The mobile

    function setMobile($mobile) {
        $this->mobile = $mobile;

      | Sets the OTP.
      | @param      <type>  $otp  The otp

    function setOtp($otp) {
        $this->token = $otp;

      | Sets the format.
      | @param      string $format  The format

    function setFormat($format) {
        $this->format = $format;
      | Sets the Medium Default value.
      | @param      string $mediumdefault  The medium default value

    function setMedium($medium) {
        $this->medium = $medium;
      | Sets the Email
      | @param      string $emailid  The Email

    function setEmail($emailid) {
        $this->emailid = $emailid;
      | Sends OTP SMS Message
      | @param      url|string  $api       The api
      | @param      component|string  $sendtype  The sendtype
      | Build all param to send OTP SMS

    public function sendOTPSMS($api, $sendtype) {
        $param[psmplSMSGatewayCenter::PARAM_SENDER_ID] = $this->senderId;
        $param[psmplSMSGatewayCenter::PARAM_MSG_TYPE] = $this->msgType;
        $param[psmplSMSGatewayCenter::PARAM_MSG] = $this->msg;
        $param[psmplSMSGatewayCenter::PARAM_MOBILE] = $this->mobile;
        $param[psmplSMSGatewayCenter::PARAM_CODEEXPIRY] = $this->codeexpiry;
        $param[psmplSMSGatewayCenter::PARAM_CODELENGTH] = $this->codelength;
        $param[psmplSMSGatewayCenter::PARAM_CODETYPE] = $this->codetype;
        $param[psmplSMSGatewayCenter::PARAM_RETRYEXPIRY] = $this->retryexpiry;
        $param[psmplSMSGatewayCenter::PARAM_RENEW] = $this->renew;
        $param[psmplSMSGatewayCenter::PARAM_CALLBACK] = $this->callback;
        $param[psmplSMSGatewayCenter::PARAM_SEND_METHOD] = $this->sendMethod;
        $param[psmplSMSGatewayCenter::PARAM_MEDIUM] = $this->medium;
        $param[psmplSMSGatewayCenter::PARAM_EMAILID] = $this->emailid;
        $this->baseSGCRequest($api, $sendtype, $param);

      | Verifies OTP SMS Message
      | @param      url|string  $api       The api
      | @param      component|string  $sendtype  The sendtype
      | Build all param to verify OTP SMS

    public function verifyOTPSMS($api, $sendtype) {
        $param[psmplSMSGatewayCenter::PARAM_MOBILE] = $this->mobile;
        $param[psmplSMSGatewayCenter::PARAM_OTP] = $this->token;
        $param[psmplSMSGatewayCenter::PARAM_SEND_METHOD] = $this->sendMethod;
        $this->baseSGCRequest($api, $sendtype, $param);

      | Build basic param
      | @param      url|string  $api       The api
      | @param      comp|string  $sendtype  The sendtype
      | @param      array|mixed   $param     The parameter
      | @return     array|mixed  ( Gets all basic requested data )

    private function baseSGCRequest($api, $sendtype, $param = array()) {
        $apiEndPoint = $api . $sendtype;
        $param[psmplSMSGatewayCenter::PARAM_USERID] = $this->userId;
        $param[psmplSMSGatewayCenter::PARAM_PASSWORD] = $this->password;
        $param[psmplSMSGatewayCenter::PARAM_FORMAT] = $this->format == "" ? psmplSMSGatewayCenter::FORMAT_PLAIN : $this->format;
        return $this->response = $this->sendRequestDataPostarray($apiEndPoint, $param);

      | Sends a request data with post array
      | @param      url|string  $api       The api
      | @param      comp|string  $sendtype  The sendtype
      | @param      array|mixed   $param     The parameter
      | @throws     Exception
      | @return     boolean    ( returns the curl scraped page response )

    private function sendRequestDataPostarray($apiEndPoint, $param) {
        //echo $apiEndPoint;exit;
        $ch = curl_init();
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $apiEndPoint);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($param));
        if ($this->apiKey && $this->apiKey != '') {
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Expect:', 'apikey:' . $this->apiKey));
        } else {
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Expect:'));
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);
        $curl_scraped_page = curl_exec($ch);
        $getHTTPCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
        $curlError = curl_error($ch);
        if ($curl_scraped_page === false) {
            throw new Exception('Unable to connect to SMSGatewayCenter API: ' . $curlError);
        } elseif ($getHTTPCode != 200) {
            throw new Exception('Bad response from SMSGatewayCenter API: HTTP code ' . $getHTTPCode);
        return $curl_scraped_page;

      | Send basic API related
      | @param      url|string  $api       The api
      | @param      comp|string  $sendtype  The sendtype

    public function checkBasic($api, $sendtype) {
        $this->baseSGCRequest($api, $sendtype);

      | Sends a record. Common function to use for any API
      | @param      url|string  $api       The api
      | @param      comp|string  $sendtype  The sendtype
      | @param      array|mixed  $param     The parameter

    public function sendRecord($api, $sendtype, $param) {
        $this->baseSGCRequest($api, $sendtype, $param);
