Securing your SMS Account with IP Address Whitelisting
As an optional security measure, you can configure your SMS Account so that only your specified IP addresses with whitelisting can be able to send SMS.
By default, users who have access to SMS Account with SMS Gateway Center, can send SMS from any IP address. Registered Users access is controlled using a user name and password, the roles and permissions assigned to them, and optionally, two-step verification.

For an additional layer of security, you can whitelist your preferred IP addresses to send SMS with SMS Gateway Center’s User Interface or via API to send Bulk SMS. This feature is called Secure IP Address Whitelisting. Please note, that IP Address Whitelisting affects only sending SMS with SMS Gateway Center interface; it does not affect normal access to a website or login to your account.
How to Enable IP Address Whitelisting?
You need to send in a request using your registered E-mail by listing all your possible IPs. Our Support Engineers will update your IPs in the system and you can start feeling secure about your SMS account once the whitelisting is done by our team.
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